A Company Profile
Applied Rock Mechanics LLC is a privately owned consulting company based in Abu Dhabi, that is a partnership between Emirates Link for
Integrated Technology of Abu Dhabi and FEM Engineering AS of Trondheim Norway, which offers rock mechanical analyses to the oil industry in
Abu Dhabi and the surrounding countries that border the Arabian Gulf. The three principals are Dr. Mohsen Pourjavad (President),
Mr. Rolf Bratli (Managing Director) and Dr. Sebastian Bell (Director and Senior Scientist). All the principals have many years of experience
in applied rock mechanics and have significant international reputations in their disciplines. The company was recently incorporated and
is presently in a growth phase. It occupies modern offices in the Lulu Center, Abu Dhabi.
Applied Rock Mechanics LLC (ARM) offers applied rock mechanical solutions to problems and issues associated with the production of
hydrocarbons. The company's expertise extends from analyses aimed at minimising the problems and costs of drilling wells to the stress
mapping of reservoirs to help plan how to recover the most hydrocarbons quickest and for the least expenditure. In between these end points,
the company is ready to undertake studies concerned with minimising leakage in hydrocarbon reservoirs to research aimed at determining the
abundance and nature of subsurface features that cannot be recognised by existing technologies. Applied Rock Mechanics LLC intends to
collaborate with local companies in studies which require sample analysis or involve complementary expertise. Plans are evolving for
collaborative research with local Universities and for establishing a Centre of Excellence for Rock Mechanics in Abu Dhabi.
The company's credo is to document the physical processes that are acting on subsurface rocks and to employ these insights for the benefit
of the entire oil industry.
Click here to see a slideshow about the potential of rock mechanics.