FEM Engineering AS
Leiv Eiriksson Senter
P.O.Box 1239 Pirsenteret
N-7462 Trondheim
TLF: +47 73546420
FAX: +47 73546425
info@femengineering.no |
FEM Engineering AS in co-operation with its subsidary company ARM LLC offer engineering consultancy within the following main areas:
- Reservoir
- Drilling
- Production
for the following expertise:
- Drilling engineers
- Reservoir engineers
- Geologists
- Production engineers
Varieties of both in-house developed (GeoTOOL®) and standard developed
(Algor ®) tecnologies are used to solve challenges within the following areas:
- Establish the regional and local stress regimes of an oil field and undertake Finite Element Modelling
of the field area so as to extend Stress trajectory mapping across the entire study area
- Indication of preffered production flow direction based on stress mapping
- Reservoir compaction and surface subsidence
- Well bore stability based on depletion and production flow rate scenario
- Well path determination and its optimization
- Casing design
- Multilateral branch design for coil tubing drilling
Wellbore stability analysis is based on:
- Quality control of basic data
- Strength from logs
- Regression analysis on triaxial test`s
- Breakout analysis (stress directions)
- Minor horizontal stress
- Major horizontal stress
- Overburden gradient
- Pore pressure profiles
- Lithostratigraphy
- Simplified lithology column
- Stretching of logs from reference wells (gives a scenario closer to reality)
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